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Registration and booking information
Registration, booking and payment information is provided by ClubSpark, a sports management software company.
Please read the ClubSpark Evesham VeloPark Privacy Policy for more information about how your payment and personal information will be processed and kept secure.
Group bookings and private hire
Personal information provided about group bookings and private hire sessions will be processed by Evesham United FC in accordance with their privacy policy.
If you are submitting an enquiry using the online form, then please be aware this uses Jotform software. This is SSL secure as a default and data is stored in the EU. The storage of data is compliant with General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).
Wychavon District Council
It may be necessary on occasion to share some of your personal data with Wychavon District Council, as the owner of the track, to process your booking. If this happens your data will be processed in accordance with Wychavon's General Privacy Notice.
We may also request usage data from Evesham United FC, as the organisation responsible for the day-to-day management of the track, or ClubSpark as the software management company. This data will be anonymised but may contain data such as age brackets.
Anonymous usage data will be shared with British Cycling and Sport England as a condition of our grant. Any information shared with them will not identify you personally.
We will not share or sell your data with third parties and it will only be used for purposes connected to your booking/query or the general running and monitoring of Evesham VeloPark.
Cookies and analytics
We use cookies to analyse website traffic and optimise your website experience. This data is anonymised and cannot be used to identify you personally. It will be used to help us understand how users are navigating the site so we can improve performance.
You can opt out of the use of cookies by clicking decline on the cookie control banner that pops up when you visit this website.
Many web browsers allow you to manage your preferences. You can set your browser to refuse cookies or delete certain cookies. You may be able to manage other technologies in the same way that you manage cookies using your browser’s preferences.
Further information can be found at the Advertising Standards Agency website.
Copyright © 2025 Evesham VeloPark - All Rights Reserved.